June 16, 2011

About Black Nail Polish

Okay. So let me just get this over with: I wear black nail polish.

Yes, you heard me. I. WEAR. BLACK. NAIL POLISH. Quite frequently, actually. Now before you all point fingers and yell, "GOTH!!!", let me also say this: WAKE UP PEOPLE, BLACK NAIL POLISH ISN'T FOR GOTHS ANYMORE!

Alright, now let's get a few things straight: I am not Goth in any way. At all. In fact, I am quite the opposite. I love bright colors and I am usually happy (so often in fact that when I'm not happy, people freak out and wonder what's wrong). I also do not hate the world or myself or listen to music so loud it hurts. Or cut myself. Or cut my hair weird and dye it strange colors (I hope I am not offending any Goths out there).

Okay, now that that's cleared up... You may be wondering, then why does she wear black nail polish?! Allow me to explain:

Last year, I began to think about how cool it would be to paint my nails black. I mean, it's a great way to express yourself, and a unique way for a non-Goth person to be a little dramatic. So I did it. My mother was a bit hesitant in allowing this, but she gave in eventually when she saw how cute it was. And after a while, I began to notice other girls wearing it too. Now it's "all the rage", if you will, at my school. I mean, it's the perfect new style: what's cuter than adding a little bit of edgy black to a girly floral outfit?

Some of you may be like, "What on earth is gonna look good with black nail polish??". So I shall tell you.

1) Florals. Florals have been super popular this year: floral dresses, floral shirts, floral skirts, floral shorts, even floral tights. I would suggest wearing a floral skirt with sandals, a solid t-shirt, and a large belt. Or if you're more of a jeans person like me, try skinnies with sandals, a cute floral top, and a plain sweater. The brighter the colors, the better your nails will look!
(Skirt, ModCloth.com, $40 | Shirt, Old Navy, $6.50 | Belt, ModCloth.com, $35 | Shoes, Rack Room, $25)

2) Skinny Jeans In General. Even without a floral top, black nails will look great with your favorite pair of skinny jeans and a cute top. As far as shoes go, the sky's the limit. I tend to go for Converse or sandals, but Keds, wedges, and ankle-high boots will also look amazing.
(Jeans, Target, $20 | Cardigan, TJ Maxx, $25 | T-shirt, Marshall's, $7.50 | Converse, Rack Room, $45)

3) Rings. Since the black on your nails might make your hands look a little drab (especially if you are opting for a dressy look), add rings! Any kind will do, but aim for big and unique. I suggest going to Forever 21. Their jewelry selection is great. Also ModCloth.com. And feel free to wear more than one!
(Blue Ring, ModCloth.com, $12 | Cassette Tape Ring, ModCloth.com, $8 | Knuckle Ring, Forever 21, $5.80)

4) Boho Bracelets. Have a friend who loves to make friendship bracelets out of embroidery thread? Then you're in luck! Black nails look great if your wrists are covered with an assortment of colorful, sentimental-looking bracelets. If you have no such friend, look here or here or here to make a few on your own.

So stop being such a coward and try it! Enjoy all the attention you'll get for being different. And it's good to freak your friends out every once in a while :P

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